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Several members of the New Jersey Bluebird Society have had articles published in newspapers and magazines. Click below to read these articles. Most are also linked from other pages within this website.
The Feral Cat Controversy This article will appear in the Spring 2021 edition of Bluebird. NABS officials have voted to “endorsed” the article. NJBBS is affiliated with NABS and supports the article and the need to think how best to deal with cat issues in NJ. Please make your local representatives aware of your concerns to wildlife impacts, disease issues to humans and wildlife, the ineffectiveness of Trap, Neuter and Release, and options available that are better for feral and free-ranging cats.
Allen Jackson
Purple Martin Spectacular in “The Purple Martin Update” - fall 2015
A Full Complement of Partners in NABS “Bluebird” - fall 2013
Bluebirds Use Robin’s Nest in NABS “Bluebird” - winter 2013-14
Commonsense Bluebird Management in NABS “Bluebird” - spring 2013
Bubba Speaks a variety of information and issues facing our Society and Bluebirds.
John Layton
If You Build It They Will Adapt in NABS “Bluebird” - spring 2014
Kenneth H. Glaspey
Bluebird Habitat Selection in a Rural Setting in NABS “Bluebird” - spring 2013
Leo Hollein
Bluebird Nests are Highly Successful in NJAS “NJ Audubon” - spring-sum 2014