Songs and Sounds

The New Jersey Bluebird Society (NJBBS):

is a 501-c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the population of bluebirds in New Jersey. The NJBBS’s primary goal is to produce a healthy and productive bluebird population in New Jersey by establishing trails that are located in suitable habitat while utilizing and promoting recommended bluebird management practices.

  MembershipNJBBS Membership has its rewards!

< click the bluebird for membership info

   After joining, New Members click Here

                           for info just for you.

 Upcoming Events:



 Bluebird Care  

   click for > Details  

most pictures by:  Nels Anderson



chit call #1

aud_3.dawnchit2.mp3 dawn

 chit call #2


chit alarm

at nest



 turalee #1


 turalee #2

Below are most of the beautiful sounds made by our beautiful Bluebirds. Click the singing birds for the sounds.  These are from the National Audubon  Society website.

Design & Webmaster: Gary Pilling,    Design Program:  Serif WebPlus  x8,    Host: iPage

Click for:  Form: Yearly Summary  -  count your chicks


                Results: Yr Summary  2016 - 2024

                        The Feral Cat Controversy

  Click: In-Depth Article on this Serious Problem

                  NJBBS is affiliated with the

       North American Bluebird Society.

             NJBBS  Members Hike

          Tall Pines Nature Center

                Wenonah NJ.            3/15/25-11 am   Flyer